We know the last thing you want when a family member or friend has passed away is to worry about sorting out their financial affairs. We have a team dedicated to help you along the way.

1. Let us know who has passed away

Complete our online form to let us know your loved one has passed away.

If you require payment of a funeral invoice, or have a general enquiry, please use the general enquiry form to get in touch. 

Let us know who has passed General enquiry

2. A case manager will get in touch with you

We'll get in touch with you and assign a case manager who will guide you through the process and explain the next steps, the types of documents we require, and any additional support we can offer.

Who can request or access information?

We can only discuss estate details with a solicitor/court appointed administrator or executor, so we may ask for proof of this, such as a certified copy of the deceased person’s current Will.

If you’re not the solicitor/court appointed administrator or executor, we’ll acknowledge your notification by emailing you, and will ask you to help us contact the solicitor/court appointed administrator or executor for the estate. 

Estates greater than $15,000

If the estate is over $15,000, we can’t proceed until Probate is granted over the Will. Probate involves registering the deceased’s Will with the High Court, so they can confirm that it's valid. When this happens, the executor of the Will is legally empowered to execute the wishes of the deceased. That will include distributing funds and other assets. If there is no Will, the courts will appoint an administrator who will determine the fair distribution of assets.

We require copies of: 

  • Certified Death Certificate 
  • Certified Will – if there is one 
  • Estate Disbursement form 
  • Certified copy of Probate or Letters of Administration 
  • Certified photo ID for executors/court appointed administrators who are non-TSB customers 
  • Confirmation of payment account details (bank statement). 

Estates that hold less than $15,000 with TSB

If the estate holds less than $15,000 with TSB, we can proceed without Probate. You will need to provide copies of: 

  • Certified Death Certificate 
  • Certified Will – if there is one 
  • Estate Declaration form 
  • Certified photo ID of claimant who is a non-TSB customer
  • Confirmation of payment account details (bank statement). 

3. Finalising the estate

Once all required documentation has been received, we'll confirm the closure of the estate by providing you a confirmation of funds transfer to the nominated bank account.

Get in touch

Let us know who has passed away

The quickest way to let us know your loved one has passed is to fill our online form. We only need a few key details to get things started. If you require payment of a funeral invoice, or have a general enquiry, please use the general enquiry form.

Frequently asked questions

Get in touch

General & Account Enquiries

0800 872 226

Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Weekends: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Calling from overseas

+64 6 968 3700

Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Weekends: 9:00am - 5:00pm