When setting up a new account to pay, making a one-off payment or editing an existing account into a New Zealand held bank account using TSB Online Banking, you will need to enter the details below.

What to expect

when making a payment

  • Account holder name – this is the main difference. Before you may have entered initials or a nickname, you now need to enter the full first and last name of the person you are paying, or the full name of the business, entity or organisation. 
  • Account number – this is the account number associated to the account name, provided by the account holder.   
  • Reference – some payments require a reference to identify who the payment is from. The account holder will ask you to provide this if it’s necessary.  This is not part of the Confirmation of Payee check.  

After entering the account holder name and account number, the Confirmation of Payee service will check the account holder name entered against the actual name of the bank account being paid into.  

Depending on the outcome of the check, you will receive one of the following notifications:  

What to do if you’re unsure of

the account holder name or account number

If you’re unsure of the account holder’s name or account number, we advise you to contact the person or business you’re paying directly on a phone number you trust to get the correct details.   

  • Never call a phone number from an email or text message which can be faked by the fraudster to trick you into believing it is genuine.  
  • You should ask for the full account holder name and number registered to the bank account. For businesses, this may or may not be the same name as their trading name.   
  • If the payment details are incorrect or turn out to be a scam, the payment may not be recoverable.  
  • Aways take the time to question the purpose of any transaction and be alert to scams.  
  • Never be pressured into continuing with a payment when the details don’t match or where the account cannot be checked.